December's Blessings

Imagine white Christmas lights and evergreens swagged around a round enclosed gazebo, a small table with candles, wine and the customary wine glass, an older bride and groom and you have my Christmas wedding. The couple flew in from Rhode Island to Jekyll Island and wanted to get married.

They had a hard time finding a minister who would marry them on Christmas Day. For me with a house full of family, I didn't give it a second thought, yes I would officiate. Love knows no holidays or boundaries. For a minister Christmas is no exception. There are no days off. This was a special service the nuptial couple and I came up with to encompass both of their faiths, Jewish and Christian. It had elements of both faiths in the whole service.

I performed ten weddings during the month of December. Not a landmark number, but with family, gift buying and the host of other things which go on during the was enough.

I married three military couples who either flew in from distance lands (Japan, Italy, Iraq) or were leaving soon to do their duty to keep our country secure. I can appreciate each of them and feel honored to support these unions. Imagine getting married one day and flying off the next for several months of separation. This takes commitment and a solidly based love. These people are my heroes. They are the no-so-white knights who protect my freedom and keep me safe.

Love one another and treat each other as you would want to be treated.